Enkele reacties van "Overzee" op de nieuwsbrieven ...

Gepubliceerd op 24 januari 2020 om 19:22

Sr. Jessy

Delhi province

Thanks a lot for the beautiful newsletter.

God will surely reward the team of ASHA-HOPE for their hard work, their generosity and their willingness to serve the poor and needy.

Yes, so many deserving students are able to get education because of their sensitivity and generous heart. Thanks to all the sponsors too.

Remembering all of you with fond love in my prayers,

Once again thanks a lot.


Sr. Teresa

Delhi province

Thank you for the newsletter and for all the good work you do to uplift and empower the marginalized strata of our society. Congratulations to the team. May God bless you all. 

With assurance of prayer.


Sr. Lilly

Ranchi province

Thanks for the news bulletin. I appreciate the great work you are doing. All of you are in my loving thoughts and I pray for you in gratitude to what you are doing for our children.

My greetings to all ASHA-HOPE members



Sr. Cicily Lukose
St Mary's High school | Sidhpur
I just read the newsletter prepared by ASHA-HOPE. It's really wonderful and full of news from all over the world.
Once again, a big thank for the grace filled work that you are doing with lots of commitment and dedication.
Thanks for the help that you and your team of ASHA-HOPE provide in different parts of Asia, where SCJM presence is there. Thanks much for helping out with the dispensary. Yes the dispensary is growing - ever since we appointed the doctor. His presence as well as the generous and self-less service of our sisters do have an impact on the people. They get healed and are grateful.
May the good lord continue to bless you and your team to be His channel of grace and love to everyone who is in need.
With lots of love and appreciation

Elsy Thomas
Sacred Heart School | Chogawan
Loving greetings to each one of you, and wish you all the blessings for the new year 2019. May the good Lord bless us all.
I went through the newsletter. It is beautifully made with plenty of colorful pictures and enough news about your wonderful work that you are doing in the congregation for under privileged children. I am deeply touched by your dedication and commitment and the interest you have in each mission station is simply admirable.
Kindly convey our greetings and appreciation to all.
I have shown the newsletter to some of the sisters. They were so happy to see the marvelous work you are doing.
With renewed greetings, prayers and love